1 Imagine a trip the top of mount Everest. If you had the money would you like to go? Why or why not
I would like to go because it would be exciting, and it would be an unforgettable experience, although I know that I would be risking my life, because I know that this adventure is dangerous, especially for a beginner.

2 Which of the extreme sports mentioned in the article would you like to try? Which would you never do Why?
I would like to try skydiving because it would be as flying in the sky, but I would never make rock climbing because I might slide and I would lose control I would despair.

Do you think that only Americans enjoy extreme sports? Do you know someone who does extreme sports? If so, do you think this person like to take risks? Is this person wealthy or bored with modern life?
I believe that most Americans do extreme sports, because they are wealthy people, but not only them but people have money, because these kinds of sports are expensive.
A friend of mine does extreme sports he likes to take risks in his life, he is bold and he has a lot of courage and he is a wealthy person too, and he isn’t bored with modern life.